The good and the bad...
Well, the good news is...the new morning aide is working out very well. The bad news is...she's taking some time off to move the week after next. Donna is still suffering with her flu virus, but she's a lot better today than she was the last few fever at least and the throat is getting better. Now, I seem to be coming down with a cough! It was a real rough week for us, especially for Donna. We spent 5 hours in the Emergency room on Wednesday, since without the lift working I can't get her to a doctor unless we call a day in advance for medical transportation. Plus, very few doctors take Medicare, unless you agree to cover the co-pay; and almost no doctors at all take Medicaid. It's so hard for her when she is sick, because things that are normally difficult for her to do by herself are even more difficult when she's coughing and feeling weak. Hopefully, she'll be back to her old self very soon.
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