Not all smiles and laughter

A couple of people have commented recently on our photo site..."Donna always seems to be smiling!" Well, I don't normally point the camera at Donna when she is in pain or upset, so I can understand how someone looking at her photos could mistakenly assume she's always smiling and happy. Unfortunately, it's far from the truth. Here is a photo I took yesterday of Donna's elbow. It's swollen with rheumatoid arthritis. It's been acting up again for the first time in a long while, and she's been having to get in bed by 6:00 or 6:30PM because, as she tells me, "My whole body hurts!". Rheumatoid arthritis is a horrible disease. Unlike osteoarthritis it can affect whole organ systems, not just the joints. We had it well under control with a strict non-dairy diet, but her case manager and her family talked her into going back to her old way of eating, and I fear it may come back in full force one day. I certainly hope I'm wrong.
Hello Jim and Donna,
I am commenting on "Not all smiles and laughter" Sure life is not all roses but you should never have to explain why there are mainly pics of Donna smiling. Donna inspires me because she is a woman with a disability independently living. Although everyone says this I wish it was possible to get my own place without hassles. Seeing Donna happy makes me realize that I can one day live on my own. It will take a lot of courage but I know I will succeed. Keep on being happy and God Bless!
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