Saturday, June 03, 2006

Please take the time to read this

In thinking over what happened to us yesterday when we had to wait one hour and 20 minutes for our bus to arrive just to get home from the supermarket, I thought of a couple of important points. We manage to get millions of children back and forth to school each day on time. We wouldn't tolerate the busses arriving over an hour late to take our kids to school, would we? Of course not. Commuters take trains and busses to work each day...would they tolerate an hour and twenty minute wait for their bus or train? They would be fired if they arrived an hour and twenty minutes late for work...and over 40 minutes late on a regular basis. Yet the Access Link bus often makes us wait over 45 minutes for our bus to arrive when they are running behind schedule. When it comes to transporting some of our most vulnerable citizens, the disabled, they are expected to regularly wait 45 minutes or more for their bus ride to work, to the market, to an important appointment, whatever...and this happens a lot! We would not tolerate such horrendous bus service for our school children, and commuters certainly wouldn't put up with it...certainly not on a regular basis. But when it comes to transporting the disabled, the attitude of NJ Transit is, "If you don't like our service, stay home!"

Our bus arrived an hour and 20 minutes late yesterday. Donna can't go to a wedding, a party, a baby shower, a dinner date, or a movie, because of this pitiful bus service from New Jersey Transit. All those events would be over or almost over before she even arrived! What if Donna and I decide to get married? Will the justice of the peace and the brides maids and best man wait over an hour for us to arrive at our own wedding because the bus is late again!!! This is really insane, and something has to be done about it! We are telling the disabled, "You are second class citizens. You don't deserve the same quality of bus service we provide to our school kids, our commuters, or the ordinary person going to the market on the public bus."


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